Wednesday, September 11, 2024


A Oaxaca print show opened at the University of New Mexico in the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology -- OAXACA INGOBERNABLE: Aesthetics, Politics, and Art from Below:

This exhibition runs from September 3, 2024 - March 14, 2025.  It features the prints from LOS SUBTERRANEOS of Oaxaca and PAVEL ACEVEDO:

Many of the wheat-pasted prints in the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology are by PAVEL ACEVEDO, who is originally from Oaxaca, but lives and prints in Riverside/Los Angeles, California: 

is featured in the wheat-paste exhibition at the Maxwell Museum



The other half of the Oaxaca print exhibition is at the HIBBEN CENTER, across the walkway from the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology:

The sign in front of the HIBBEN CENTER
advertising the Oaxaca prints inside

The prints at the HIBBEN CENTER are done entirely by LOS SUBTERRANEOS

in their studio in the city of Oaxaca --
Mario Guzman sitting in the center of the photo

The label describing

The reception for the Oaxaca printmaking exhibitions was in the HIBBEN CENTER on September 7, 2024:

The reception was on September 7, 2024

"Los Nadies"
prints on fabric

"Los Nadies"

On September 11th,
Manuel Guerra took a photo of "Los Nadies"

The Dance of the Devils from Oaxaca
probably came from the enslaved Africans

Prints on fabric
of the Oaxacan Devils

There were also prints on fabric of black Oaxacans, who originally came over as slaves from Africa:

Prints of black Oaxacans

Daniela del Mar was giving live letterpress demonstrations during the reception:

Daniela del Mar in the mask
making fresh letterpress prints during the reception

The fresh letterpress prints

The reception was on September 7, 2024

There was a full house when the presentation started at 3 PM:

Carla Sinopoli, the director of the Maxwell Museum,
opens the presentation
with the two co-curators Gustavo Garcia and Natalie M Toscano

Highlighting Pavel Acevedo, who was part of the exhibition --
Pavel is originally from Oaxaca, and lives in California now

Darinka Moher spoke to us, in Spanish, from the Los Subterraneos studio in Oaxaca, from Zoom projected on the big screen in the auditorium:

her Zoom discussion was projected on the big screen


These photos were hung on the wall with the labeling, as part of the exhibition:

Collective carving

The studio

Note the big woodblocks in the bottom right
of the studio

Wheat-pasted prints in the streets of Oaxaca

The curators:  Natalie M Toscano and Gustavo Garcia

The current printmaking explosion in Oaxaca started during the Teacher's Strike of 2006 -- however note that Francisco Toledo had been pushing printmaking in Oaxaca way before then, founding the Institute of Graphic Arts of Oaxaca in 1988:

Manuel Guerra teaches printmaking at UTEP,
and came up from El Paso to see the Oaxaca print show


Pavel Acevedo will give five workshops from September 30 - October 5th, 2024:


Also Pavel Acevedo will be returning again in October, on his whirlwind tour of the Southwest with Daniel Gonzalez of Los Angeles:

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