Monday, September 2, 2024

Axle Contemporary -- Guerilla Print in Socorro

We went to Socorro, New Mexico on September 1, 2024, to side-bust on AXLE CONTEMOPORARY -- making a guerilla tessellation print  in front of their mobile art van -- while they were taking photos for their E Pluribus Unum: Mogollon project:

The Axle Exquisite Tessellation Print

The Artists (left to right):

parked in the main plaza of Socorro, New Mexico

First arrangement

They decided to print this arrangement

Matthew inked all the tiles on the board
at once

We used Speedball SuperGraphic black ink, and the Estampador Manual hand brayer to print:

The printing/inking table

Inking all the tiles at once

The Final Print!


We laser engraved the Axle Contemporary logo into linoleum at Quelab makerspace,, to make both tessellation and "street taco-sized" prints:

The Axle logo
laser engraved into linoleum

On the laser cutter at Quelab


We experimented with printing the round discs (4 inch diameter) with ink pads (from Hobby Lobby):

Ink pads from Hobby Lobby

Inking the Axle round linocut
with the red ink pad

After tucking the inked linocut inside a notepad,
Matthew pressed down with an Iron Frog glass baren

  • Maybe we should have just driven over the notepad with the Axle van

The print came out a bit faint

We tried again with the regular relief ink

made a darker print

as seen from the gazebo in the plaza
of Socorro, New Mexico

The photographs so far
from Axle's E Pluribus Unum: Mogollon project

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CNM -- Tessellation Printing

We made three EXQUISITE TESSELLATION Prints at on the westside campus of CNM ( Central New Mexico Community College ) in Albuquerque on Se...