Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Printing at Argos -- in Santa Fe

We made EXQUISITE TESSELLATION Prints in Santa Fe, during the Tuesday Night Drawing session at Argos Studio/Gallery on September 3, 2024:

We printed in the back of the Argos Studio/Gallery
(while they were drawing the front studio)

Our first good print

All the "hat" tessellation tiles laid out
(we did not bring all of them)

The table set-up,
we brought all the materials in from Albuquerque
(including the table)

At the end of the night


John Tollett arranging the linocut tiles
for the first print

The first arrangement,

We inked all the tiles on the board, with the fancy 60 durometer, 4 inch brayer from Takach Press.  This brayer did not give us a good hand-printed result:

Rearranging the tiles after inking

John Tollett hand-printing

The first print was too faint.  We probably did not put enough ink on the linocut tiles, because we used the fancy 60 durometer, 4 inch brayer from Takach Press:

Our first print was too faint,
probably because we did not ink it enough

We used the regular cheap 4 inch Speedball brayers, and the print came out nice and dark.  We are using Kitakata paper:

The second print turned out great!

with color

We added a red colored linocut to the third print.

The linocut tiles arranged in the final composition

We chose the linocut by Virgil Velasco
to ink in red

We inked the black linocut tiles on the board
(making stray black ink marks on the board,
which were easy to wipe off the vinyl cover)

Inked and ready to hand-print

The third print
came out great!


John filmed with his drone
as Karl was printing


Greta Young arranged the fourth print:

Greta Young arranging the prints

The fourth print was a bit lacking,
as one of the orphaned tiles printed fuzzy

As the fourth print didn't come out perfect, Greta wanted to experiment by overlaying and printing another tile on the print, which we did several times:

Greta placed an inked tile
over the fuzzy part of the print

The tessellation print
with two overlapping printed tiles

Once again, Greta placed an inked linocut
over the fuzzy part of the print

Greta rubbed an Iron Frog glass baren over the tile,
to print it on the Kitakata paper

The final print
with several overlays


Greta Young made the fifth print, with all four of her "hat" linocut tiles, and it came out great!

The fifth print came out great!




Leslie Harris carved a "hat" linoleum tile while we were printing, and we were able to make a print with it by the end of the drawing session:

Leslie Harris' drawing

The carved linocut

By this time we were hand-printing with the Iron Frog glass baren (medium size) for more control.  As the linocut tiles were more separated in the fifth print, we worried about them "traveling" under the paper, making double fuzzy images, if we used the Estampador Manual hand printing press.

Moreover we could apply more pressure on selected areas, and ensure that the corner spikes printed, of the "hat" tessellation tiles. We pushed the glass baren directly over the paper -- without a cover sheet of cardboard.  When the image has printed well, one can see that image on the other side, right through the Kitakata paper.  That way we can judge if it's a good print before we pull it off the linocut tiles.

The sixth and last print!


It doesn't get any better than this -- carving and printing in the same night.  It was wonderful and humbling printing with the Tuesday Night Drawing group at Argos -- and we will do it again when the Santa Fe artists carve more tiles.  

We are slowly generating a nice 
tessellation print collection


The prints on Kitakata paper would really lend themselves to wheat-pasting on a wall, Oaxaca-style (see the end of this blog post):


This HECHO A MANO event will be more public, so it was good going through a session at Argos Studio/Gallery first.


The Maxwell Museum opened their print show from Oaxaca -- Oaxaca Ingobernable: Aesthetics, Politics, and Art from Below -- the same day, on September 3rd, 2024:

This exhibition is of the prints of Los Subterraneos and Pavel Acevedo:

is featured in this exhibition on the UNM campus

The Maxwell Museum is the anthropology museum of UNM, on the University of New Mexico campus.

  • Los Subterraneos will be speaking at the reception at 3 PM, on Saturday, September 7th at the Maxwell Museum
  • Pavel Acevedo will be giving a hands-on relief linoleum printmaking workshop from September 30, 2024 to October 5, 2024, at the Maxwell Museum

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CARVE-IT -- Tessellation Prints at HECHO A MANO gallery

We made 5 TESSELLATION PRINTS during the CARVE-IT event at HECHO A MANO gallery in Santa Fe on September 14, 2024: The framed example print...