Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Los Griegos Library exhibition in Albuquerque


We are showing framed 8x8 inch prints at the Los Griegos Branch Library -- 1000 Griegos NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The exhibition runs from August 16 - September 30, 2022.

All but three of the prints are from the artists that draw on Thursday nights at the North Fourth Art Center.  About half of the prints were made during the model break on a Tortilla Press:

18 prints from Albuquerque artists
 hanging in the Los Griegos public library


These prints are all created by Albuquerque artists who draw together at the North Fourth Art Center on Thursday nights, plus a couple by figure artists who have yet to come.  Half of the prints were made on a Tortilla Press during the model breaks.  

This show is part of the bigger BUCKET EXHIBITIONS project, dedicated to exhibiting framed 8x8 inch prints in smaller venues.  Previously we have had pop-ups shows in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico -- of prints by artists from New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, California, Mexico and even Australia. We plan to continue creating and exhibiting prints throughout the Southwest, Mexico and beyond, to promote the artistic dialogue between distant places.

All 18 prints fit in two buckets,
hung on August 16th, 2022

The library bulletin board displayed the flyer for the Thursday night drawing session at North Fourth Art Center:

Life Drawing at North Fourth Art Center 
6 - 8:30 PM, $10
4904 4th Street NW, Albuquerque

Thank you Nicholas Newlin, branch director of the Griegos library, and Tim Psomas of North Fourth Art Center, for making this exhibition possible.

Nicholas Newlin (l), director of the Griegos public library
and Karl Whitaker

We showed many of these prints at a short pop-up exhibition during the figure drawing session at North Fourth Art Center on July 28th, 2022:

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BIG INK SUMMARY -- Albuquerque 2024

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