Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tessellation Rumbling

The Exquisite Tessellation Project has been ramping up:

Laser cut tessellation "hat" tiles,
with borders (making a 6x6 inch square)

We gave Julie Sola a "hat" tile 
in Santa Fe on May 5, 2024

We gave Mike Kimball a "hat" tile 
in Santa Fe on May 5, 2024

Artists have been delivering tessellation linocuts gradually, but steadily:

delivered the first linocuts

Later Jeanette also delivered the linocuts and proofs

Bobby Orr
gave us a tessellation print

Ellie Weadock delivered this
Terror Bird linocut

Ken Romig outlined the "hat" tile on paper,
and made various studies before carving

Ken Romig outlined the "hat" tile on paper,
and made various studies before carving


A collaborative print calls for collaborative carving:

Ken Romig and Mark Woody
carving at Hollow Spirits Distillery in Albuquerque

Mark Woody drew directly on his linocut tile

Ken Romig decided to carve this design

Ken drawing on the linocut

Karl, Ken and Mark's linocuts

"Hat" linocuts fit together

Mark Woody redrew his tile

Kevin Burke gave us a "hat" tile
before he moved onto Oklahoma

Aaron Bass' tile-in-progress

Ken Romig's inked tile

Ella York is working on this tile
in Denver

Ella York carved tiles on July 5, 2024

gave us a tile on July 6, 2024

gave us three tiles
on July 6, 2024


"Mirrored" reverse tiles seem to work also:

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CARVE-IT -- Tessellation Prints at HECHO A MANO gallery

We made 5 TESSELLATION PRINTS during the CARVE-IT event at HECHO A MANO gallery in Santa Fe on September 14, 2024: The framed example print...