Monday, May 27, 2024

PRNT PNTG in El Paso

The "PRNT PNTG" exhibition is a UTEP (University of Texas at El Paso) student show of mostly 8x8 inch prints at the "Alameda Art and Salvage" gallery in El Paso, adjacent to the Horned Toad Prints studio (walking distance into Mexico):


This exhibition runs from May 20th to May 30th, 2024.  The main event will be the closing on May 30th, 2024.

UTEP student print show

Alameda Art + Salvage

The big event will be the closing during the evening on May 30, 2024. So people just trickled in during the opening on May 20th. Sara Saucedo came when I was there, so I took a picture of her in front of her print:

Sara Saucedo
stands next to her print

Sara Saucedo


by Karen H

by Frank Dia

The student prints were fairly impressive.  There is a lot of talent in El Paso.

Manuel Guerra, the printmaking professor at UTEP, found an old copper etching plate, and reworked it by drawing a new portrait on it:

Manuel Guerra has his Horned Toad Prints studio next door, and was proofing an etching commission while we were there:

Manny proofing a print

Inspecting the proof

The etching proof

Afterwards we grabbed some Americanos at Coffee Party nearby:

Coffee Party is in the Falstaff Art building, which also houses art studios and art galleries like La Mecha.  There is a nice little art scene there by the Juarez/Mexican border, about Alameda Street.

UPDATE (June 6, 2024):  Federico Villalba took some photos from the opening on May 30th, 2024, and sent me the photos below to post:

Manuel Guerra organized the print show

Frank Dia

UTEP student painters also exhibited in the same space:

Previous Print Shows at the

Manuel Guerra has previously put on some great print shows at the "Alameda Art + Salvage" gallery:



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